Computers Basic MCQs Set-24
What does “URL” stand for?
- a) Uniform Resource Locator
- b) Universal Resource Locator
- c) Uniform Retrieval Link
- d) Universal Retrieval Link
Answer: a) Uniform Resource Locator
Which of the following is a type of RAM that is faster and more expensive?
- a) DDR
- b) SRAM
- c) DRAM
Answer: b) SRAM
What is the main function of a modem?
- a) To convert digital data to analog signals and vice versa
- b) To connect devices to a network
- c) To store data
- d) To perform calculations
Answer: a) To convert digital data to analog signals and vice versa
Which of the following is an example of a desktop operating system?
- a) Android
- b) iOS
- c) Windows
- d) Chrome OS
Answer: c) Windows
What does “HTTPS” stand for?
- a) HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
- b) HyperText Transfer Program Secure
- c) HyperText Transmission Protocol Secure
- d) HyperText Transfer Protocol Service
Answer: a) HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
Which of the following is an example of a web development language?
- a) Java
- b) JavaScript
- c) C++
- d) Ruby
Answer: b) JavaScript
What is the primary function of a firewall?
- a) To protect a network from unauthorized access
- b) To manage system resources
- c) To store data
- d) To connect to the internet
Answer: a) To protect a network from unauthorized access
Which of the following is an example of a search engine?
- a) Google Chrome
- b) Microsoft Word
- c) Google
- d) Adobe Acrobat
Answer: c) Google
What does “BIOS” stand for in computing?
- a) Basic Input Output System
- b) Binary Input Output System
- c) Basic Integrated Operating System
- d) Binary Integrated Operating System
Answer: a) Basic Input Output System
Which of the following is used to connect a computer to a network?
- a) Network Interface Card (NIC)
- b) Hard Disk Drive
- c) Monitor
- d) Printer
Answer: a) Network Interface Card (NIC)
What does “URL” stand for?
- a) Uniform Resource Locator
- b) Universal Resource Locator
- c) Uniform Retrieval Link
- d) Universal Retrieval Link
Answer: a) Uniform Resource Locator
Which of the following is an example of a digital storage device?
- a) Hard Disk Drive
- b) Printer
- c) Monitor
- d) Scanner
Answer: a) Hard Disk Drive
What is the function of an operating system?
- a) To manage hardware and software resources
- b) To provide internet access
- c) To process visual data
- d) To perform calculations
Answer: a) To manage hardware and software resources
Which of the following is a method of inputting data into a computer?
- a) Keyboard
- b) Monitor
- c) Printer
- d) Speaker
Answer: a) Keyboard
Which of the following is an example of an input device?
- a) Monitor
- b) Printer
- c) Keyboard
- d) Speaker
Answer: c) Keyboard